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Area: total: 945,087 sq km land: 886,037 sq km water: 59,050 sq km

Just the facts..
Shortly after independence, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form the nation of Tanzania in 1964.
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Ebony Tours & Safaris
Ebony Safari's and Tours is a leading East African, Destination Management Company and Safari Operator specializing in...

Sykes Travel Agents
Book all your local flights within Tanzania here ..

Accomodation In Tanzania
Hotels and Accommodation in Tanzania , check availability and book online.

Tourism Board
Official site of the Tanzania Tourist Board provides trip planning information including places to go, activities, safaris and other.




    Welcome to Emerald Bay Resort

  • Pemba is considered the most attractive destination for diving , snorkeling, kite and surfing of East Africa. in the Emerald Bay lies the widest sand-bank of Africa that divides the ocean melting its color in miles of transparent water from light green to blue cobalt.

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The pride of Tanzania

Tanzania - officially the United Republic of Tanzania, is in East Africa bordering 8 countries as well as the Indian Ocean.

National Parks
With twelve National Parks, seven game reserves, many forest reserves and the famous Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania offers more diversity in protected habitat than...
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Zanzibar was separated from Oman in 1861, and effectively controlled by Britain after 1873 when the Royal Navy enforced the closure of the slave market.
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Tanzania Beaches
There are some secrets which are still well kept and the South beach of Dar es Salaam is one of them. Miles and miles of unspoilt and undeveloped white sandy beaches.
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Mount Kilimanjro is located at the north/eastern tip of Tanzania. For the adventurous, a climb of Mount Kilimanjaro is a must taking you through the mists of equatorial jungle to reach the snows and breath-taking views from the summit.

Location: 3.07 S, 37.35 E
Elevation: 19,335.6 ft (5,895m)

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  • Our Life Style
    Visiting and socializing with friends and family are the most common recreational activities.



The world's most important archaeological site known as the "OLDUVAI GORGE"

In the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, between Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti area lies the world's most important archaeological site known as the "OLDUVAI GORGE", the cradle of mankind, The earliest signs of mankind at Laetoli, where hominid foot prints are preserved in volcanic rock some 3.5 million years ago. In 1959 the Zing skull was discovered by Dr. Leakey at Olduvai Gorge. Zinjanthropus is believed to have lived 1.8 million years ago. In the 1970's, the footprints of animals were found by Mary Leakey at Laetoli some 45 kms. South of Olduvai Gorge.

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